Collection: Bedell Guitars - Made in Bend, Oregon, U.S.A.

Here at El Cajon Guitars & Music, our favorite steel string acoustic guitar manufacturer is Breedlove.  We are proud to offer Breedlove Guitars (in stock & special order) and Bedell Guitars (special order) at and in our brick and mortar shop in El Cajon, Ca.  Breedlove makes the best acoustic steel string guitars.  These aren't your grandfather's acoustic guitars and they are young company.  The modern era of Breedlove began in 2010 Two Old Hippies, led by Tom Bedell, purchased Breedlove in November 2010 from Larry Breedlove and Steve Henderson.  Breedlove and Bedell Guitars are amazing people, making amazing guitars.  

Unlike many of the major American guitar makers, instruments crafted at the Breedlove USA workshop are still made largely by hand, with nearly three dozen craftspeople, many players themselves, putting their all into every guitar they touch.  Breedlove & Bedell Guitars have a commitment to Not Using Any Clear-Cut wood in any of their Made in Bend or Organic Collection models and is working with purveyors and partners to establish sustainable, individual harvest practices across the industry.  In fact, BEDELL GUITARS WILL NEVER KNOWINGLY USE ANY TONEWOOD FROM CLEAR-CUT FORESTS.

“We’re able to build 2,000 guitars a year here in Bend,” Bedell says, “and every one is uniquely dimensioned to whatever the characteristic of that wood is, and whatever we want that instrument to play like and sound like. We couldn’t do that if we didn’t hand build every guitar. It would be impossible.”
The key to the Breedlove Difference today is the concept of Sound Optimization, which starts at the tree and carries through to your fingertips. It’s a carefully monitored process that takes into account the specific densities of discrete wood sets; top and back frequency separation; hand voicing; individual playing styles, revolutionary body shapes and so much more.  Check out this video about their amazing sound optimization process and check out our selection of Breedlove an Bedell Guitars at El Cajon Guitars & Music, 

#elcajonguitarsandmusic, #elcajon,, #breedlove, #bedell, #guitars

4 products
Bedell Private Reserve Parlor Lucky Strike Redwood – “The Tree” Mahogany - El Cajon Guitars and Music
Bedell Private Reserve Parlor Lucky Strike Redwood – “The Tree” Mahogany - El Cajon Guitars and Music
Bedell Private Reserve Parlor Lucky Strike Redwood – “The Tree” Mahogany
Bedell Coffee House Dreadnought CH - D - AD/IR - Esp (N) - El Cajon Guitars and Music
Bedell Coffee House Dreadnought CH - D - AD/IR - Esp (N) - El Cajon Guitars and Music
Bedell Coffee House Dreadnought CH-D-AD/IR-Esp (N)
Bedell Classic Folk Dreadnought CF - D - HM/HM(2) - El Cajon Guitars and Music
Bedell Classic Folk Dreadnought CF - D - HM/HM(2) - El Cajon Guitars and Music
Bedell Classic Folk Dreadnought CF-D-HM/HM(2)
Bedell 1964 Special Edition Dreadnought 64 - D - AD/HM - NtShad (W) - El Cajon Guitars and Music
Bedell 1964 Special Edition Dreadnought 64 - D - AD/HM - NtShad (W) - El Cajon Guitars and Music
Bedell 1964 Special Edition Dreadnought 64-D-AD/HM-NtShad (W)